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Arrival by car

Schloss Kirchberg is located not far from the A6 motorway, motorway exit "Kirchberg an der Jagst". If you are staying at the Hotel Schloss Kirchberg, parking is available directly at the castle. However, please park only behind the castle and not in the front castle  courtyard (fire department access road) The address for the navigation system is "Neuer Weg 8, 74592 Kirchberg an der Jagst". This address will lead you to a public parking lot  (Neuer Weg, with limited parking time). From there, drive through the gate into the castle grounds and follow the signs for the castle hotel parking lot.

Arrival by train

You can best reach Schloss Kirchberg from Crailsheim train station. From there, a bus will take you to the bus stop Kirchberg “Stern”. If there are no buses at your arrival time, cabs are available at the station. 


Arrival by plane

Schloss Kirchberg is located between the airports of Nuremberg, Stuttgart and Frankfurt. The fastest way to reach us is from Nuremberg airport, from which is a 1-hour train ride to Crailsheim. From Stuttgart, you will be travelling approx. 2 hours. Frankfurt airport can be reached by train in 3 hours. For the onward journey from Crailsheim station, please refer to the instructions for arrival by train.